Free business registration
We are a 3rd Party Agency NOT affiliated with IRS/Federal/State Government. Your may obtain these or an EIN for free Yourself.
(888) 837-1407

Licenses and Permits

Most state, county, and local governments require businesses to have licenses and permits before starting operations. There are more than 170,000 government clerks that issue licenses across the country, all with their own requirements. Depending on your particular type of business and and where you operate, any number of licenses and permits may apply to your business.

Failure to obtain business licenses and permits can result in fines, notices, and closure of your business. For this reasons, business owners find identifying and applying for the right business licenses and permits to be a complicated process. However, we can obtain any license you need for your business right on this site.

Occupational Licensing & Certificate

When you hear "occupational license" it usually means a general business license. In addition to that license you may need a "professional" license if you are a professional or a tradesperson.

Environmental Licenses and Permits

Businesses such as mobile food vendors, commercial painters, and other businesses using chemicals may need an environmental license in addition to a business license.

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Legal info & Disclaimer: , and its employees, agents, and representatives, are not affiliated with the Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") or any other governmental or regulatory body or agency. provides services to file and obtain legal govrnment documents including Federal Tax Identification Numbers from the IRS as well as other state and federal government agencies.

As a "Third Party Designee, filing agent" pursuant to IRS Form SS-4, paid prepares and submits applications for an Employer Identification Number ("EIN") to the IRS as a representantive of our clients. does not verify EIN application submissions and is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided. Any individual may obtain and submit his or her own EIN application at no cost through the official IRS website at

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It is provided only for general informational purposes and does not constitute legal or accounting advice of any kind. For convenience, this website may contain links to third-party websites. does not control, endorse, or assume responsibility for the nature, content, accuracy, and availability of such websites. does not guarantee availability of Website and is not responsible for temporary unavailability due to technical issues. is not a law firm and does not offer legal advice or recommendations. Communications with FreeBusinessRegistrations.comare not protected by attorney-client privilege in any way. If you or another person needs legal assistance must contact an attorney or law firm licensed in his or her jurisdiction.